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How Aircall Saves 13% of Time for Customer-Facing Teams

Steph SmithLast updated on September 27, 2023
8 min

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With the current economic climate and increasingly competitive market, there’s no denying the corporate shift to achieve previously deemed “stretch” targets.

For sales and support teams, this means a heightened pressure to operate efficiently and better track performance; two tasks that have historically presented a significant challenge.

To succeed in the face of these skyrocketing targets—not to mention while resources remain relatively stagnant—customer-facing teams need to streamline low-value administrative tasks and focus on higher-value prospect and customer interactions.

Thankfully, a recent Forrester Consulting study found that implementing Aircall’s cloud-based phone solution can boost productivity and performance for customer-facing teams by 13%.

To help you better understand how you can improve the productivity and performance of your customer-facing teams, let’s explore the proven benefits experienced by companies that have implemented Aircall’s business phone solution.

But first, why should you care?

Despite the growing number of digital channels that businesses can use to connect with customers and prospects, genuine phone conversations remain a powerful competitive advantage. In fact, our “Putting Your Customer First” Study found that 87% of respondents ranked the phone as the communication channel that provides the best experience.

With this in mind, it is critical for modern companies to have a powerful, scalable, and reliable phone solution for their sales and customer support teams to efficiently attract and retain new business.

This is why we commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to examine the return on investment (ROI) that enterprises experienced by implementing Aircall. Spoiler alert: our customers experienced a 373% ROI.

The study provides readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial and operational impact of implementing Aircall within their organisation, which includes $490,685 of productivity savings in three years. You can read the full report here.

“As a result of Aircall, the Spotahome team was able to increase bookings by 350% from 2015 to 2016.” ⏤ Fabiola Jiménez Sahagún, Head of Customer Experience at Spotahome

So how can you boost productivity by 13%?

If you’re a part of a sales and support team, it’s likely that you’ve experienced the pain and time wasted when it comes to managing prospect or customer calls.

At Aircall, our cloud-based phone solution saves users time by cutting down the manual tasks associated with these activities, and below, we explore six ways customer-facing teams can boost productivity and performance using the tool.

1. Seamlessly integrate with your other tools

Modern companies often have a hefty tech stack, so when you’re evaluating a new tool, it’s important to ensure that it will complement your current business tools. Perhaps the most important point to consider here is whether your phone system will integrate with your CRM. Without this capability, you’ll find yourself duplicating effort and wasting time on administrative tasks such as switching between tools to log notes and keep accounts up-to-date.

The Forrester Consulting study found that companies saved significant time for their sales and customer support teams by taking advantage of Aircall’s simple yet robust integration capabilities.

Our native integrations with popular CRMs such as HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zendesk reduce the need to log calls and manually create support tickets. These native CRM integrations mean that important call data is automatically logged in your CRM and you no longer need to waste time going between tools to ensure the right data is logged and up-to-date.

But Aircall integrations are about more than just your CRM. Making use of our 100+ strong integration marketplace—including Gong, and Intercom—allows team members to save up to eight minutes per call. Explore Aircall’s app ecosystem to learn more.

“Having all the information in a single platform, Salesforce, allows us to monitor the activity of our agents, to have visibility over the sales cycle, and therefore to identify which levers can be used to improve our processes and motivate our teams.” ⏤ Ambroise Prieur, Contact Center Administrator at SumUp

2. Jump right in with an easy-to-use interface

The role of sales and support teams is to delight customers and secure business, and yet many find that complex systems and fiddly tools detract from this focus and create inefficiencies. How can you expect to hit ambitious targets when you’re wasting time manually updating your CRM or educating new employees on the steep learning curve of complicated phone systems?

Ease of use has always been one of our customers’ favorite things about Aircall and companies interviewed during the Forrester Consulting study found the Aircall platform to be simple and intuitive. This helped teams adopt the plug-and-play solution quickly and with limited friction. It also helped to speed up the onboarding process for new hires.

An IT manager from a media company described their experience with learning how to use Aircall, stating, “I got feedback from our sales team that [Aircall] was pretty easy and simple to use. There was nothing very complex in it, with no steep learning curve or anything for the team.”

You can experience the Aircall interface by speaking to our team or testing it out for yourself.

“Aircall is simple. The layout and everything makes it so easy to use and really easy to set up. I loved the ability to record the greetings one by one and upload them. That was awesome… And the notifications! I have two phones, two computers and a tablet — getting email alerts [on all devices] is very helpful because I know I’m not missing anything.” ⏤ Laura Hinojosa, Account Executive at Subsync

3. Supercharge your outbound calls

Especially if you’re working in sales, it’s likely that you’re spending a lot of time on the phone. Often, this means you’re trying to make the best impression on your prospects while working through a long list of phone numbers. The challenge here is to focus on what you do best—selling–while not letting the admin bog you down. Why waste time fiddling with phone numbers and switching to your CRM to update notes when you could reallocate that time to creating new deals?

To address this, Aircall’s Click-to-Dial feature allows you to click a button from within Aircall or from within your CRM and immediately call the contact. There’s no more fiddling around with numbers or area codes.

Moreover, many high-performing outbound professionals are using Aircall’s Power Dialer capability to reach more people while maintaining their high standards. Power Dialer enables you to call a list of contacts one by one and one after another automatically. For calls that are picked up, you can easily add your notes or tags from within the Aircall interface and it will automatically update in your CRM, saving you a significant amount of time on every call.

“For a business development team, fast and easy dials are absolutely necessary. It directly impacts our velocity, and the volume of business we create and close.” ⏤ Kateryna Keretsman, Head of BDR at Socialbakers

4. Delight your customers by transferring them efficiently

49% of people find that long waiting times is the most frustrating thing about contacting customer service. Moreover, with 50% of people stopping buying the brand after a negative customer service experience, providing high-quality customer service is a must. In fact, every customer interaction is an opportunity to impress and strengthen the health of your business.

Where having to transfer customers from one person to another was once a point of friction, Aircall’s advanced transfer options now help teams seamlessly transfer customers to the most relevant person with ease.

Depending on the process and preference of your team, you’re able to either transfer a call immediately to reduce the waiting time or have the customer hold the line while you provide your colleague with the relevant information so your customer doesn’t have to repeat themselves.

Perhaps you need a colleague to call a customer back? No problem. With our Call Commenting and Assignment feature, you can easily assign a call to a teammate, leave them a note, and the call will pop up on their to-do list. This means no more callbacks will fall off the radar.

But that’s not all. Support teams, in particular, benefit from Aircall’s Shared Call Inbox where you can find a complete overview of calls that require a follow-up. It also allows you to archive old assignments as you go to avoid becoming overwhelmed with support tickets.

“The transfer function is slick and keeps things moving. We can have a caller that needs to be transferred to a different team or we might need to initiate a conference call while they’re on the line. All with one click. Having call notes built in as standard has been a game changer and provides a great customer and colleague experience.” ⏤ Daniel Prescott, Head of Customer Operations at Superscript

5. Report and optimize using all the right call data

At a time when winning and retaining customers is more important than ever, customer-facing teams are being asked to report more heavily on their activity, including wait time, missed call rate, and call volume. Many teams struggle to meet these reporting demands and satisfy their executives due to ineffective data collection and analysis.

This is why Aircall’s analytics dashboard collects all data on your outgoing calls, providing an in-depth analysis dashboard and a detailed view of your sales team’s performance. It’s centered on providing actionable insights that you can not only use to report on your team’s performance but also learn and optimize from.

Our Call Analytics Dashboard helps you monitor your customer satisfaction over time by letting you keep track of all your call metrics—such as wait time, missed call rate, and call volume—in one place.

In addition, the Activity Feed enables you to track and manage your team’s call activity and  coach them in real-time all from within the Aircall dashboard. So whether you’re in sales or support, the analytics dashboard is sure to boost your performance.

The streamlined reporting capabilities contribute to the 13% time saved for customer-facing teams when using Aircall. For more information consult our new eBook “The Proven Business Impact of Switching to Aircall” here.

“We received very limited data from our original phone system… Aircall gave us an accurate view of our customer care team’s call volume, which allowed us to secure more budget for hiring in that area.” ⏤ Andria Zachariou, CSM at Rezdy

6. Record your calls for more effective customer interactions

Sales and support leaders want to be able to track their teams’ activity, identify trends and improve performance over time. Yet, of course, they can’t be physically sat next to their representatives on every call to coach them and share tips to improve. Over and above compliance reasons, this is why it’s important to record your conversations.

Our cloud-based phone solution allows you to record your calls, share them with relevant stakeholders, and listen back when you need to. While this can help you learn and improve the success rate of your prospect or customer interactions, there is another Aircall feature that has become the secret weapon for many customer-facing teams. Say hello to Call Whispering.

Call Whispering allows you to secretly speak to teammates while they’re on a live call. Why? So you can provide them with real-time advice and support them to delight the prospect or customer in a professional, efficient way.

“The call recording feature allows us to assess the quality of the conversations we’re having with our clients. From there, we can improve our pitches and adapt our tone accordingly. Now that we have visibility, we can also coach team members more effectively” ⏤ Kendrick Quek, Finance Sales System & Process Manager at PropertyGuru

Want to learn more?

If you’re interested in boosting the productivity and performance of your customer-facing teams, get in touch with our team, and we’ll be happy to show you how Aircall could save 13% of your time on every call.

Published on November 21, 2022.

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