How Support Teams Can Leverage Aircall’s Salesforce Integration

Last updated on January 19, 2024
4 min

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Your support team isn’t complete without a CRM solution. These enable support teams and leaders to resolve customer issues faster, deliver personalized experiences, and easily scale their support processes.

To maximize the value of your CRM, you need to integrate it with another essential tool: a cloud based calling system. In doing so, your support team can take the customer experience they offer to the next level by reducing time to resolution, building meaningful voice interactions with customers, and automating routine work like logging calls.

That’s why Aircall integrates with leading CRM solutions including Salesforce. 

What is Aircall’s Salesforce integration?

Aircall’s Salesforce integration enables support reps to boost productivity and simplify their workflows. It’s easy to set up on Service Cloud and Sales Cloud and it works with both Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic.

Integrating Aircall’s cloud based phone system with Salesforce’s CRM brings multiple benefits, including: 

  • The ability to centralize workflows, by allowing teams to handle calls directly in Salesforce. 

  • Improved customer experiences, thanks to the integration’s ability to track all customer communications. 

  • Greater flexibility, as the teams can take calls from their Aircall mobile app, desktop app, or web app—and they all are logged in Salesforce in real-time. 

  • Automated reporting, which makes it easy to pull deep insights from customer interactions.  

  • Less time lost on manual data entry, as Aircall automatically syncs call data with Salesforce and can even trigger workflows in Salesforce. 

  • Boosted productivity, through a suite of features that empower your support team to raise their velocity and solve challenges for customers faster. 

Six ways you can use Aircall’s Salesforce integration

Call Logging 

When using the Salesforce integration, Aircall logs all calls—whether they were missed, received, or sent to voicemail—across your Salesforce Contacts, Leads, Accounts, and Person Accounts. That means less time logging details, and more time resolving customer issues. 

“Our phone conversations show up in Account and Contact records on Salesforce, giving us a lot more visibility there. It puts all important data in one place, whether that’s in Salesforce and Outreach, so we don’t need to track down the information ourselves.” David Grube, Director of Business Development at Emplifi

Call History

Context is everything when it comes to delivering fantastic support for customers. With the Salesforce integration for Aircall, the caller's contact information is pulled up within the Aircall phone, so every agent can start a call knowing what's come before.

“We might not talk to a customer on the phone for a year or more, but when they call in, we answer with their first name and know their history. Instantly, that agent or CSM sees the entire conversation history from chats in Intercom to every call that we had with them in Aircall logged in Salesforce. It shows we really know them.” Josh Collins, Head of Customer Success, AgriWebb.

Workflow Customization 

Users of Aircall’s integration with Salesforce can leverage Aircall events as triggers in custom workflows in Salesforce Process Builder and Lightning Flow. This enables every team to customize their support processes in a way that drives impact for their organization and their customers. 

Ticket Assignment Rules

By creating ticket assignment rules with the Salesforce integration for Aircall, users can dictate who a support request is assigned to based on criteria specified within Salesforce. These can be created for pre-existing Salesforce users or groups. 

Automatic Sync for Call Recordings, Comments, Tags & Call Transfers

Keeping track of all the comments, tags, and recordings that go along with support work can create a drag on teams. By automatically syncing all of this data, so it appears directly on Salesforce, the Aircall integration lets teams keep clear records with ease. 

“We sync calls and data during and after phone calls. The integration also automatically pulls a client’s name, contact information, and company details! When they call we can now answer based on who they are and why they are calling.” Mortimer Smith, Sales Development Manager, Plecto

Omni-Channel Status Sync

Service Cloud users can use Omni-Channel Sync to sync their Salesforce Status with their Aircall Status. This improves call distribution by enabling you to route calls to available support agents only, based on their current status. 

FAQs: Aircall’s Salesforce integration

Who is the Salesforce integration available to?

The Salesforce integration is only available for Aircall users on the Professional plan—formerly known as the Enterprise plan. 

You must also be using either the Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited plan, or a Professional plan with API access purchased (however, if you are on the Professional plan you will not have access to the Omni-Channel feature). 

How do I install and configure my Salesforce integration? 

There are a few simple requirements and steps to follow to get everything set up. To help you out, we’ve created a full walkthrough on how to install and configure your Saelsfroce integration here

How can I configure my Aircall CTI within Salesforce Lightning? 

Taking this step enables your Aircall phone inside the Salesforce Lightning UI—meaning you can click-to-dial from Salesforce, receive pop-up screens for incoming calls, and more. To set this up, take a look at our full guide here

How can I configure the type field in Salesforce? 

Call logging is one of the most helpful features available through Aircall’s Salesforce integration. However, to ensure it works correctly, it’s important to configure your Type field settings in Salesforce. The process is straightforward—simply follow the steps we’ve created here on configuring your Type field, and you’ll be ready in no time. 

How are call recordings logged after the Salesforce Migration?

There have been a few changes to how call recordings are logged in Salesforce, for more information on this and configuring call recordings, check out our full guide here

Connect Salesforce with Aircall today

Now you understand some of the key features of the Aircall Salesforce integration and how it works, it’s time to empower your support teams. 

Install the Salesforce integration for Aircall today and enable your teams to deliver incredible customer experiences that move your business forward. 

Published on March 14, 2023.

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