Hit Your Sales Growth Goals With Analytics+

Steph SmithLast updated on June 4, 2024
4 min

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Aircall’s Analytics+ offering takes our standard analytics dashboard to new heights. On a high level, it provides a bird’s-eye view of team performance while helping you drill down into granular details of customer call activity. With advanced filters, customizable visualizations, and exportable data grabs combined into easy-to-use dashboards, Analytics+ can help you smash your sales goals. 

If you care about your team’s efficiency and sales productivity—and you really should—Analytics+ is essential to making data-driven decisions that support both team and sales growth goals. Here’s how Analytics+ can make your life a little easier.

From Macro to Micro, Monitor Activity at Scale

The insights gleaned from analytics are critical to the success of any business. Analytics+ goes one step further and is built to minimize missed opportunities, enabling you to monitor individual and company activity at all levels. This means it’s easy to see what your teams are doing best and where there’s room for improvement.

If you’ve built your own business, chances are you’re already onboard with company-wide analytics. The Analytics+ Overview makes it easy to monitor overarching metrics you’re already familiar with, like call tracking, call volume, and call duration every day. But it doesn’t stop there. 

Drilling down and analyzing more granular data can have a big impact when it comes to your sales growth, and Analytics+ delivers advanced analytics dashboards that enable you to view your call data on a macro level. This includes the ability to customize charts using advanced filters such as tags, users, business hours, and more. 

Using Analytics+,  you can also directly view your team’s KPIs and see which calls are compromising your team’s performance. With a wealth of information at your fingertips, it’s easy to determine the areas your teams should be focussing on to reach their sales and performance targets. 

Determine Optimum Call Windows

Whether winning over new prospects or closing new deals—it’s building relationships that counts. While this may seem like a mystery to many, it’s actually underpinned by hard data, and understanding that can help your agents be more successful.

It’s no secret that sales calls can be more effective during specific hours or days. For example, research from Indeed shows how cold calls are most effective before lunch or the end of the workday on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

You can use Analytics+ to track what works best for you and create a personalized sales strategy. The Outbound Activity dashboard monitors when your team is making the most calls and how that compares to the times or days when prospects are most likely to answer and be more receptive. 

The same applies to inbound calls, with Analytics+ providing a comprehensive Unanswered Calls dashboard that makes it easy to see when prospects are most likely to call your team. You can use the data to ensure reps are always available when necessary, reducing missed calls and opportunities. 

Bicycle subscription service Swapfiets is a great example of a company using Analytics+ to identify the best areas for improvement, making informed decisions about how to grow and improve their service. 

“With Analytics+ and Aircall’s Activity Feed, we can see what’s happening and improve what we’re doing. In fact, using Aircall’s analytics, we were able to spot a shortfall in answered calls during lunch hours. With that intelligence, we quickly adapted our shift pattern to ensure we could meet the spike in demand. We’ve even used Aircall tagging data to inform our product—building new features into the app based on common queries on calls. It’s helping us to build a better service, and a better experience for our members.”

— Christoph Eilers, Swapfiets Project Manager

Nurture Your Sales Teams 

Analytics+ makes it easy to drill down into the data that can transform your business, but it also helps you provide support where it’s most necessary. You can see exactly where your agents are going wrong and use this information to inform future training opportunities.

There are plenty of other ways you can shape your business for the better and hit sales goals with Analytics+, but let's go over the top three.

1. Monitor performance across multiple areas

The User Activity dashboard makes it easy to monitor team leaderboards across multiple areas of performance. These include inbound and outbound call volume, call duration, and call outcomes, such as whether a discovery call was booked and if the call was successful. Harnessing this data in the right way can create a blueprint for success. 

2. Keep track of who needs your support

Leaderboards within Analytics+ encourage a little healthy competition, but they also identify outliers in your team. This isn’t about naming and shaming though—use this information to identify which reps need further support or guidance, with data creating clear and actionable advice to improve their performance and see their name rise up the charts. 

3. Celebrate stellar performance

You can also use leaderboards to see which reps are nailing it, beating their targets, and then some. This provides the ideal opportunity to create a supportive environment, celebrating the wins within your team and potentially identifying team members to coach those around them.

Optimize Your Strategy and Grow Your Business

While there are plenty of ways to grow your business, few are more effective than embracing data-driven decision-making, and Analytics+ can help you to make the most of the resources at your disposal.

Using Analytics+’s goal-based dashboards, it’s easier than ever to track and enhance the performance of your support agents and sales reps, focusing on individuals to help your teams perform better as a whole. 

Access to more granular data also makes it easier to shape your company’s sales strategy, optimizing your outbound calling and minimizing missed inbound opportunities. The outcome? More sales conversions and a lot more company success. 

Ready for a breath of fresh air? Learn more about how Aircall’s Analytics+ can transform your sales team by scheduling a free Aircall demo today.

Published on November 13, 2023.

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