How Aircall's Call & Voicemail Transcription Features Work

Emily GregorLast updated on June 3, 2024
2 min

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Manually transcribing calls and voicemails can consume a huge amount of time, but since those calls contain vital information that will help you better serve customers, it’s often a necessary evil. 

Thankfully, with Aircall’s newly launched AI-powered call and voicemail transcription features, it’s not a problem your sales agents and support teams need to worry about. Aircall now provides transcriptions automatically so your customer-facing teams can instead focus on the tasks that deliver the most value to your organization.

What Is Call Transcription? 

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Aircall’s call transcription feature does exactly what the name suggests. Make or receive a call using Aircall, and it will be recorded and transcribed automatically and available to view within minutes of ending your call. 

You can access call transcriptions straight from the Aircall dashboard, your CRM, or your help desk. This near-instant ability to read through previous calls without having to listen or write up detailed notes saves time, enables you to better monitor your team’s performance, and provides you with a valuable resource for training or onboarding. 

What Is Voicemail Transcription?

Aircall also provides automatic voicemail transcription as a part of the service, transcribing your company’s voicemail messages into text as soon as your customers hang up the phone. This means your sales agents and support teams will have access to all the information they need—right there on the screen in front of them—without having to spend hours listening back to missed calls, which is a lifesaver in particularly busy periods. 

As with call transcriptions, voicemail transcriptions are easily accessed and can be opened in the “To do” section of your Aircall dashboard, the “Call Details” of your desktop and mobile phone apps, and the “History” tab of your desktop app.

Benefits of Call & Voicemail Transcription 

It’s easy to see where AI-enabled call and voicemail transcription features can save time for your organization, but the benefits that can transform your business also go much deeper, including:

  • Increased team productivity

  • Streamlined workflows

  • Improved training and onboarding

Let’s break down each of these further to understand the impact these features can have on your day-to-day.

Increased team productivity 

With transcriptions available moments after calls have ended, your sales and support teams have far more access to information. They can leverage transcripts to go through calls faster, routing tasks to the most suitable teammates and helping them diver deeper into calls, analyze customer feedback, and improve overall performance and productivity.

Streamlined workflows 

Aircall's transcription features considerably lessen the time and effort required to document calls, helping sales agents and support teams streamline workflows and spend more time dealing with customers. By transforming calls into text automatically, call transcription makes it easier to scan a call and identify urgent action items, insights, and next steps. Your sales and support teams will also benefit from having everything they need in one place—cutting the need to dig through inboxes or chase other team members for information.

Improved training and onboarding 

Training and onboarding is another area where Aircall’s transcription features can help. There’s no training resource that’s better than real-life scenarios taken directly from calls and voicemails. Along with well-structured playlists, these can help to bring new hires up to speed far more efficiently and can be used to showcase best practices. Transcriptions can also provide a bedrock for coaching and development for more experienced employees, ensuring their growth and maintaining high performance at all levels of your business.

Want to know more about Aircall and how its features can empower your customer-facing teams? Set up a demo today.

Published on April 5, 2023.

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