Voicemail Drop
Save five hours per agent, per week, with our one-click Voicemail Drop feature.

Boost your outbound productivity
Voicemail Drop enables you to leave a pre-recorded voicemail message in just one click. Perfect for busy sales teams with hundreds of calls to make.
Save five hours weekly
Our research says that outbound sales agents spend up to five hours each week leaving voicemails. What if they could do this in a single tap or click?
Make hundreds more calls
Convert those voicemail hours into making more personal, one-on-one calls. With all that extra time, your agents will be able to focus more clearly on the prospects who answer.
Leave clear, concise messages
Take the pressure off with pre-recorded messages that focus on your point and cut out those pesky ‘ums’ and ‘ahhs’.
Trusted by 15,000+ companies
Other Aircall features for Sales teams
Connected to the tools you love
The leading app ecosystem for voice. Aircall talks to all of your critical tools and workflows.
Frequently asked questions
Voicemail Drop helps sales agents to save up to five hours per week each. It’s a feature within the Aircall platform that gives agents the ability to pre-record voicemails and drop them to prospects’ voicemail boxes on a tap or a click, rather than leave individual, unclear messages each time.
An agent can record up to ten different voicemails to suit the majority of call scenarios. These messages are saved into the Aircall platform, which means that when they’re calling their contacts through Aircall, they can save time by dropping the most appropriate recording at the beep, rather than manually repeat the same messages over and over.
Voicemail Drop helps teams to save up to five hours a week per agent, as they don’t have to leave individual voicemails for every call that doesn’t pick up. It means that they don’t miss the opportunity to reach a prospect either, as their recipient will receive their message rather than just a list of 5 missed calls. And, because agents can pre-record messages, they can make their pitch clear and concise without all the ‘umms’ and ‘ahs’ that come with the pressure of leaving a voicemail!
Anyone who leaves a lot of voicemails that tend to have similar themes, whether it’s in sales or customer support, will find Voicemail Drop suits their needs.
Setting up Voicemail Drop is simple. Agents jump into the Aircall Phone, click “record” and that’s it - they’ll be ready to leave voicemails in a single tap on their next call. Learn more here.

Ready to start using Voicemail Drop?
Sign up for a demo of Aircall today to see Voicemail Drop in action