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Get free accessThe current business landscape and challenging economic climate have resulted in a call for cost savings and enhanced efficiency. And who are executives looking at to uncover this more sustainable path forward? Operations professionals, of course.
This refocusing of priorities has seen operations teams and ops managers, in particular, explore solutions to business challenges that offer streamlined processes and the greatest return on investment (ROI).
For ops professionals, the phone system on which the business operates presents an opportunity to enhance productivity both inside and outside of the ops team while also supporting the development of more sustainable business planning.
With this in mind, we commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to examine the ROI that enterprises experienced by implementing Aircall. This is especially noteworthy for ops professionals, as the study found that the composite organizations experienced a 373% ROI and $31.7K in cost savings over three years.
To help you explore why implementing our cloud-based phone solution might be the best solution for your current operational challenges, let’s dive into three key areas where our customers have felt the benefits of implementing Aircall.
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Start saving 20% of time from the outset
Ops managers are on an endless drive toward efficiency. This means your time is always filled with new projects and requests. There’s no time to twiddle your thumbs, so there’s certainly no time to spend on long and overly complex implementation cycles.
On top of a heavy workload, ops managers are required to provide the ROI of tools selected, including cost savings and business impact. This is why both ease of implementation and likelihood of adoption are hot topics when scoping new tools for the business.
Thankfully, our business phone solution lives in the cloud, meaning it can be set up in as little as three minutes. Moreover, the Aircall interface is frictionless and intuitive, making it simple for teams to integrate it into their daily lives. Let’s explore this in more detail.
Get set up in as little as 3 minutes
One of the main benefits of implementing Aircall as your cloud-based phone solution is that it can save you and the business significant time and money in the long run. In addition to the $31.7K of cost savings overall, the Forrester Consulting study uncovered that ops professionals who chose Aircall experienced savings from the very outset of the process.
Where traditional phone systems were costly and time-consuming to implement, cloud-based solutions like Aircall make implementation a breeze. Anyone can start implementing our solution in a few simple clicks, as no hardware is required. This frees up valuable IT resources to focus on other projects while empowering teams on the ground—a huge benefit for small and medium-size businessess. It’s so straightforward to implement Aircall that many of our customers don’t even have dedicated IT resources.
“The actual speed with which it connects and the quality of the call are exceptional. I have tried multiple phone systems, and Aircall is just head and shoulders above what else is on the market.” — Ephram Stephenson, Founder at Collar Group
Customers interviewed during the study were pleased with Aircall because it was intuitive and fast to set up the system. In fact, our plug-and-play phone solution is designed to be simple to set up, enabling you to get your new system up and running in within a day so you can start that journey toward 373% ROI.
Ensure adoption for maximum impact
Secondly, adoption is a challenge with any tech stack project. Whether you’re implementing the tool within or outside of the ops team, it needs to be able to fit seamlessly into day-to-day user activities. Ensuring the adoption of your new phone system is the difference between achieving a good ROI and the project becoming a failure.
To help you secure adoption, our cloud-based phone solution is first and foremost simple to use. There is no steep learning curve that you need to coach users through, and its easy-to-use interface means that your teams can start using the phone solution with minimal disruption to their current activities. Ops managers interviewed during the Forrester Consulting study emphasized Aircall’s overall ease of use as one of the key benefits.
One Aircall customer from a media company described their firsthand experience with learning how to use Aircall, stating: “I got feedback from our sales team that [Aircall] was pretty easy and simple to use. There was nothing very complex in it, with no steep learning curve or anything for the team.”
We take pride in making these initial phases—set up and adoption—as streamlined as possible for our customers, both in terms of our product and the support they receive. Both steps are critical in the journey to securing $31.7K in operational cost savings, and we’re committed to helping you achieve this.
Streamline operational activity by 20%
Ops teams are often bogged down with requests from other teams. When it comes to phone systems, this is especially true with colleagues from the likes of sales and support making many administrative requests.
When you have your own to-do list of more strategic topics, low-value but high-volume tasks such as adding new phone numbers or users to the phone system can significantly impact your productivity.
“I like using a phone system that’s so reliable that I don’t need to think about it very often – it just works. This means I can spend more time working directly with my team on more strategic projects.”— David Grube, Director of Business Development at Emplifi
While this was once a source of inefficiency due to clucky, manual processes, ops managers who are Aircall customers are able to streamline this process and reap the benefits of more efficient workflows. Customers interviewed during the Forrester Consulting study shared how setting up new users took mere minutes using Aircall and adding new phone numbers only required a few clicks.
By streamlining these tasks, Aircall helped ops professionals boost their productivity by 20% and save 13% of time per call per agent in customer-facing teams. This is a valuable portion of time back that can be reallocated to more impactful operational initiatives. In addition, ops managers responsible for the implementation, system maintenance, and business reporting also shared how Aircall made their jobs easier.
You can explore this evidence and delve a little deeper by checking out the summary of the Forrester Consulting study here.
Plan for the future
As mentioned, executives are looking to ops professionals to heavily contribute to their roadmap to efficient growth. Historically, this has been a challenge for ops teams due to ineffective technology and a lack of visibility over business trends.
Now, ops managers can showcase their true value to the business by capitalizing on the right technology. For over 13,000 businesses, Aircall has become part of a tech stack that unlocks this potential.
Scalability should be top of mind for all ops professionals. Understanding the direction of the business along with its need both now and in the future is critical when it comes to selecting tools that will have a real business impact.
When it comes to cloud-based phone systems, it is particularly important to consider the scalability of the solution. If your business is growing, you’ll likely need to add more users and perhaps in many different locations. How easy is it to add users and what is the associated cost? Aircall’s call bundle options make it easy and affordable to scale your phone solution in line with your business needs and they offer a cost saving of $10,824 over three years.
Then you need to think about the maintenance. How easy is it to maintain the system? In the past, phone system maintenance has been a challenge for ops managers. However, with our cloud-based phone solution, ops professionals can increase efficiency and streamline processes by reducing maintenance requirements and costs. During the Forrester Consulting stud, ops managers interviewed emphasized Aircall’s scalability as a key benefit.
“As we grow and expand into new regions, we need to think about territory management. Aircall is a key part of that.”— William Clarke, Head of Growth Operations at Plexus
Streamline reporting requirements
If you’ve been working in operations for some time, you’ll likely have felt the pain that can come hand in hand with reporting. Historically, ops managers have had to gather call data from multiple sources and pull insights from inconsistent and often inaccurate data.
This can be a heavily time-consuming task that offers little reward due to incohesive and inaccessible data points. The Forrester Consulting study found that with our intuitive reporting capabilities, tasks that previously took hours and required cross-referencing multiple spreadsheets and software logins now only took a short amount of time. Moreover, customers interviewed found that Aircall’s robust reporting capabilities allowed them to understand business trends better and improve their staffing.
One customer interviewed estimated that before Aircall, one manager spent around 25% of their time managing and reporting on their company’s customer calling activity, which was significantly reduced after implementing Aircall.
Ops teams are also responsible for capacity planning. Here, ops managers must consider the business context and strategic goals as well as the current scenario at a team level—something that is impossible to do effectively without the oversight of call data.
Our advanced analytics provide you with the ability to dig deep into readily available call data. You can use filters that allow you to break down data by user, team, and line activity, which makes capacity planning a whole lot easier.
“Prior to having a solution like Aircall, our reporting metrics were convoluted. It was really difficult to be able to see where our areas of opportunity were and how we could properly staff. I couldn’t tell you whether 8 a.m. or 4 p.m. was our busiest call time. But with Aircall, I’ve been able to track those trends a lot easier, especially now, with the new metrics.” — Mavet Carranza, Manager of Marketplace Operations @ Honk
Want to learn more?
If you’re interested in boosting the productivity of your ops team, get in touch with our team, and we’ll be happy to show you how Aircall could save 20% of your time.
Published on November 22, 2022.