How Implementing Roles & Permissions Can Enhance Security Across Your Organization

Emily GregorLast updated on October 10, 2023
4 min

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A fundamental part of building a strong customer relationship is trust. That means that when customers hand their sensitive information over to your organization, they know it’s in safe hands. 

While sensitive data like billing information must be protected, it's also important to make sure your team has access to the information they need in order to serve incredible experiences to their customers. What’s needed then is a balance where everyone has access to the data they need without the business as a whole taking any unnecessary risks.

Fortunately, Aircall has you covered, with four different user roles for your team that are defined by the amount of information you need to give each person. Do you want your reps to stick to making and receiving calls? Do you want them to be able to create new users and numbers? You can even give specific senior leads access to the dashboard and billing data.

Whichever route you take, you can decide by using four personas—Agent, Supervisor, Admin, and Owner—that leave you in control and ensure you’re not endangering security by increasing visibility. It empowers your team to find the right balance of insights, collaboration, and supervision across the organization. And to take security as seriously as it needs to be taken.

Why is security important?

At Aircall, we consider security and trust to be of the highest importance—and you should too. To briefly explain our own security setup, we host all our data on AWS, which holds certifications such as ISO27001, SOC2, PCI DSS, and FedRamp. This means our users can rely on our ability to deliver the very best in data protection and cyber resilience. We also use TLS 1.2 and AES 256 encryption methods, and we’ve implemented cloud security tools and rigorous processes to keep your data even more protected.

We may pride ourselves on being like Fort Knox—albeit with a better phone system—however there are also things that our customers can do to protect their company’s valuable data. And this comes down to having complete and granular control over who has access to it— keeping it out of the clutches of anyone intending to wreak havoc on your business in the process.

After all, If just one account with a high level of access is compromised, then the person in control stands to gain even more freedom to carry out wider-scale attacks. For instance, routing all your sales calls to a scam number. This is what makes Aircall’s user roles so important.  

How do Aircall’s new user roles work? 

Think of Aircall’s user roles as the Avengers of company data security—each with its own level of access across the Aircall product. It makes it clear exactly who has access to what and enables each individual to focus on their specific responsibilities. 

The four personas include Agents, Supervisors, Admins, and Owners, so let’s break down how each one works. 


Using Aircall to make and receive calls, new users will be assigned the agent role and have full access to the Aircall apps and their own call recordings.


Supervising and reporting on team performance, supervisors have full permission to access and export data on analytics, can adjust settings, and can access and edit call recordings.


Admins can manage numbers, call distribution, users, and team performance. They have full access, edit, and export permissions for numbers, users, teams, analytics, settings, integrations, and call recordings.


Managing user access, and sensitive company information like billing and payment plan details, owners have full access and edit permissions for the company plan, billing information, and user management. 

The importance of role distribution

Distributing roles in this way ensures that access to sensitive company data is restricted to those who genuinely need it in the course of their work and minimizes the risk of the data floodgates opening if one user’s account is compromised. 

Users aren’t limited to one role either. They can be assigned any permissions role by Owners, while Admins can assign users to be any one of Agents, Admins, or Supervisors. To do this, all you have to do is head to the Users section of the dashboard and allocate a role based on the level of access needed for the job. 

While Aircall’s personas and permissions meet our very own high standards, more security is only a good thing, which is why we recommend implementing a Single Sign-On tool, such as Google Sign-In—available to all Aircall customers. 

Security is hugely important and can make all the difference in the event of a hacked user account. Trust is paramount in the world of customer service and to us—especially if your confidence in us translates to your clients' confidence in you. Even if you’re fortunate enough to never experience a data breach or attack—demonstrating you take it seriously with Aircall will make all the difference to building the confidence of your team and your customers. 

Learn more about how Aircall approaches security and or head to our help desk article covering Dashboard Roles.

Published on March 23, 2023.

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