Seven highly effective sales script examples

Yasmeily Toledo PerdomoLast updated on July 24, 2024
10 min

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Sales scripts are a commonly debated topic. Many sales reps believe that reading from a sales script will work against them during a call with a customer. On the other hand, fumbling over your words during a call when you don’t have the right answers can be quite uncomfortable. Whether it’s a cold call or following up on a customer request, having an effective sales script can be a game changer.

A good sales call script is one of the most important sales planning tools. It boosts your confidence and arms you with critical information. That said, sales scripts are not meant to be read verbatim during a call. Instead, they should only be used as a guide to personalize customer conversations. Every situation is unique, which is why this article will provide different script examples for various sales scenarios. 

What is a Sales Script?

A sales script is a written guide that can be used by sales agents. It may include conversation starters, talking points, questions, dialogues, and more. A script can be a rough blueprint of a pitch, or a more detailed document outlining possible answers for every customer request. However, scripts should not restrict flexibility in conversations—remember to leave some room for improvisation.

Having a script helps standardize the sales strategy used by all agents, and a good sales script template is essential in the sales process. That said, there is no single script that works for all situations. Good sales teams have a main generic call script as well as situation-based scripts.

Why Should You Use Sales Scripts?

Customers prefer personalized experiences, including during sales interactions, so using a sales script might not sound like the best idea. This would be true if sales scripts were read out verbatim, but they should always be considered as a guide for conversations.

A script is the foundation of a sales pitch. And, as is said of everything else, the stronger the foundation, the better the result. We’ll now outline some of the benefits of working with a good sales script.

Maintain consistency in the sales approach

Having a common framework that all agents refer to puts everyone on the same page. All agents are following the same sales protocols and communicating the same message. This gives customers clarity and makes the brand look professional.

Build self-confidence and reduce stress

Having a written guide of cues and responses to probable scenarios makes agents feel more confident. They are prepared to answer all the customer’s questions and fewer calls have to be put on hold.

Create a positive brand image

An agent’s tone of voice conveys how confident they are. If agents sound polished and avoid filler words like ‘um’ or ‘er’ they will make a better impression, which in turn helps customers build trust in the brand.

Improve customer rapport

When callers are confident, they can keep a conversation flowing without unnecessary pauses. Customers feel more comfortable talking to sales agents and are more responsive to sales pitches. Knowing what to say also ensures that sales representatives pay more attention to what the customers say.

Address objections easily

Sales scripts typically contain answers to the type of questions, requests and objections a prospective customer might have. Having access to this prepares callers to overcome any of the potential customer's objections, ultimately driving higher conversion rates.

Easier onboarding of new agents

Sales scripts can prove to be indispensable when onboarding new agents. They can help speed up the training of new employees, exposing them to all kinds of situations. Sales scripts provide them guidance on what they should and should not do on calls to close more sales.

Tips on How to Write a Sales Script

A sales script must be clear and concise, yet cover all the key points. The conversation should be long enough to hold the customer’s attention, but not too long otherwise your prospect will tune out. It can be broken down into multiple sections.

Every sales script must have an opener, an agenda, a pitch and a call to action. Most importantly, the script should make prospective customers feel comfortable and keep the conversation moving forward. Here are a few cold calling tips:

1. Have a clear purpose

To be effective, sales scripts must have a specific objective. For example, cold-call sales scripts should be directed towards learning more about the customer. If you have multiple products and services, you need to pick one to promote in the conversation. Objections should come up early in the call. This informs the sales team on how to proceed further.

2. Know your audience

The ideal sales script depends on the lead’s position in the sales process. For example, you need different scripts for people at the top of the funnel and those close to making a purchase. Similarly, sales teams need different scripts for different buyer personas. For example, calls to people in the Middle East may be structured with small talk while calls to an American audience are more concise and to the point.

3. Introduction

Every sales script should begin with an introduction so the sales rep can introduce themselves and the company. This gives the person context for the call and a better understanding of who they are speaking to. The introduction need not be longer than a line or two. It could be as simple as:

“Hello, my name is [agent’s name] and I’m calling from [company name].”

4. Build a rapport

Having some basic information about the lead/customer enables sales reps to personalize conversations and build a rapport with them. They can sometimes use a more informal tone of voice depending on the person being spoken to. Here are some phrases that can be helpful:

“Hi [customer name], I hope I’m not interrupting anything.

Congratulations on your new office! Your growth is inspiring.”

5. Ask questions

While the script is for sales reps, customers must have enough opportunity to speak too. This helps sales agents understand their customer’s needs better and tailor their pitch accordingly. Sales agents can encourage customers to talk by asking the right questions. Here are a few options:

“Do you have a budget in mind?

Why is this a priority for your business?

What would be your ideal solution?”

6. Add a positioning statement

Once agents have built a rapport with the customer and understood their requirements, they can pitch their solution. A positioning statement explains the product/service being offered and its benefits. Sales people explain how their product can address the potential customer’s challenge and what sets it apart from competitors’ solutions.

7. Call to action

Every call must end with a call to action. Suggesting a clear next step to the customer is a good way to hold their attention and move forward in the sales pipeline. The ideal call to action depends on what stage of the pipeline the prospect is at. In the initial stages, this could mean scheduling a follow-up call. When the customer is at the end of the sales pipeline, sales people might guide them toward the order page on the website.

7 Effective Sales Scripts Examples

While there may be similarities between customers, every call is different. Sales people should be able to recognize different scenarios and tailor their script accordingly. Here are a few examples of effective sales scripts.

1. Scripts to get more information

In cold-calling scenarios, leads must first be qualified to determine if they can be converted into customers. Sales reps must discover which leads have the highest potential of generating revenue for your business. Outbound sales scripts must include questions to help learn more about the customer. Take a sales script for insurance agents for example. This should include questions like:

“What kind of insurance do you currently have?

Are there any challenges you’re facing with your current coverage?”

The script should also include a call to action to schedule a meeting/future chat to discuss the solution further.

2. Scripts to create a personal connection with customers

Leveraging a personal connection can be a good way to build rapport with customers. Finding out information about a customer from their professional social media accounts (e.g. LinkedIn) will give sales reps the insider knowledge they need to build connections. Only discuss the customer’s job and position and avoid references to their family and personal life. Otherwise you might come across as too intrusive. You could open conversations with phrases like:

“I see you studied at [university name]. I studied [subject] at the same university.

Your LinkedIn page shows an endorsement for [skill]. Has the certification helped your career?

A friend worked at [past company] too. How was your experience there?”

These openers keep the conversation flowing for longer and warm prospects up to your sales pitch.

3. Scripts to leave a voicemail

If the customer isn’t available to take a call, leaving a voicemail is a good idea. This ensures that the lead/customer knows about your call and gets relevant information quickly. Voicemail scripts should be concise and give customers a reason to return the call. Here’s an example:

“Hello [customer name], this is [agent name] from [company name]. I’m calling to discuss the [product provided by the company and its benefits].

If you would like to know more, please call me back at [company phone number].

I look forward to hearing from you. Have a good day.”

4. Scripts leveraging connections to make sales

When it comes to reviews, customers trust those given by their peers more than anything they read online. So, if you have a common connection with the customer, you could leverage this to grow your business. Here are some examples of sales pitch scripts to inspire you.

“I see that you’ve also worked with [common client/partner]. I’d love to show you what we did for them.

“Your name came up when I was talking to [common connection] about businesses that could benefit from our services”

5. Scripts to offer options

Before you can get a lead’s ultimate approval, you need to get smaller ‘yeses’. By giving them options that encourage them to move through your sales funnel, a lead is more likely to buy into the pitch and stay engaged. Here are a few examples of outbound sales call scripts.

“Our company is working on a new solution to [product benefit]. Would you like to know more?

(if the customer says yes)

We have monthly and quarterly subscription plans. Which one would you be more interested in?”

6. Scripts to generate referrals

Once you’ve closed a deal, the next step is to ask your new customer for a referral. This helps with organic revenue growth. Here’s how you can go about it.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying our services. Do you know anyone else in this industry who could benefit from it? We could offer a trial to any company you refer to us.”

Have you heard of our referral program? You receive 50% off your next service fee for every referral that signs up to one of our services.”

7. When you want to be super brief

Time may not always be on your side. When customers are in a hurry, sales agents need to make an impact with a quick pitch. Think of it as an elevator pitch that you can elaborate on in a future conversation. You can use lines like:

“I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Our [product/service] has been proven to help businesses like yours [insert key benefit]. I could send you an email with more details or would you like to schedule another call?”

Making the most of a sales script

To maximize the benefits of having a well-written sales pitch for cold calls, your sales agents will also need other tools. At the top of the list is a secure VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) subscription with all the essential productivity features.

Aircall is a leading business communication platform with two monthly subscription plans. It includes a variety of features such as a cold calling dialer, CRM integrations, intelligent call forwarding, customized hold music and menus, call recording, and more.

Sign up for the free 7-day trial today


Published on November 15, 2023.

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