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Simple to set up. Easy to use. Powerful integrations.
Get startedImplementing a high-volume cold calling strategy is one of the leading ways to build revenue as a B2B sales organization. As an experienced seller, I’ve seen many approaches to generating interest and booking meetings with prospects. While the cold calling approach seems simple, the effort and processes required to hit high call targets and meet goals can be cumbersome.
At Aircall, we recently expanded the capabilities of our award-winning business phone solution to make it simpler than ever for sales teams to crush their numbers. And we’re now thrilled to announce the launch of Voicemail Drop and additions to our Power Dialer!
Leaving voicemails is an effective way to increase callbacks and book more demos. The only problem is how much time it takes to leave individual voicemails for every unanswered call. In fact, our internal data team found that reps were spending up to five hours per week leaving voicemails. Skipping the voicemail strategy might give you more time, but that also decreases your chances of getting a call back and booking a meeting.
At Aircall, we considered these insights and decided to take action. The goal was to give reps their time back, but remain as effective as possible while cold calling.
But how can you maintain an effective cold calling strategy while simultaneously optimizing your XDR’s time?
Say hello to Voicemail Drop from Aircall
By pre-recording voicemail messages, outbound sales teams are able to save time on repetitive tasks and boost productivity. Just drop a saved voicemail message into your prospect's machine and instantly move on to your next call task. By automating this step, business development reps can spend more time making dials while maintaining maximum effectiveness.
“I hit prospects' voicemails more often than not. Voicemail Drop is great because leaving pre-recorded messages saves me hours, while still getting my message out.”
-Ty Pepe, Sales Development Representative, Aircall
Here’s how this works:
After sourcing the leads you want to call for the day, try and find some common themes (industry, use cases for your product, geographic region, etc).
Then create a few voicemail messages that would be applicable to these themes, but still broad enough that they could be sent to multiple prospects. Leave out specifics such as a company or prospect’s individual name.
Now you can begin your outreach. If a call reaches a voicemail box just select the most appropriate recording and you’re done!
Once sent, the call will end and Aircall will automatically leave the voicemail for your recipient. This flow eliminates the repetitive task and allows you to move on to your next outbound dial immediately.

Attacking a list of leads with the Aircall Power Dialer
Another exciting update is the advancement of Aircall’s Power Dialer. For context, Power Dialer maximizes prospecting potential by pre-loading leads into the Aircall phone app. During an Aircall Power Dialing session, agents can call up to 100 numbers per hour, depending on how often you connect with who you’re calling.
The latest update to our Power Dialer allows you to import leads via a CSV file, or by manual entry. (rather than via the Browser Extension). This makes the process of transferring prospecting lists from your internal database into the phone seamless. With the opportunity to manually add numbers as well, you can easily build on your existing Power Dialing session while discovering new contacts to call in one-off situations.

More options to create Power Dialing lists makes cross-team collaboration more streamlined as well. Let’s say the marketing team just ran a campaign or event, and has built a list of hot leads. They can now share that list directly with sellers to be uploaded into their dialers. Similarly, a revenue or operations leader can share individual prospects with their outbound teams and have the target easily added into a call list.
Voicemail Drop and Power Dialer: a match made in Sales heaven
By combining usage of Power Dialer sessions and Voicemail Drop, sales teams can truly revolutionize their outbound strategy. Reps can record a voicemail specifically for the theme of the Power Dialing session they’re entering and fly through a call list. The opportunity to create custom pre-saved voicemails for each list you’re calling will help reps stay organized and save more time in their outreach. The combined time saving is exponential.
We’re excited about these improvements to the Aircall sales ecosystem and the increased results they’ll bring our customers. With Aircall, you can expect to boost revenue-generating activity and hit sales targets faster.
If you’d like to learn more about these features or other ways Aircall helps sales teams achieve their goals, request a demo of Aircall or start a free trial.
Published on August 15, 2024.