With the upgraded Aircall HubSpot phone integration, sales and support teams will be more agile and productive in their day to day.

Powering Team Workflows with Aircall’s Enhanced HubSpot Integration

Nicholas PriceLast updated on January 2, 2024
11 min

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Cloud-based business tools must work together in an intuitive and seamless way. Aircall is committed to working with our customers and partners. Our goal is to create an integration-laden environment that businesses can trust. Improvements to the HubSpot integration in the Aircall app ecosystem give sales and support teams greater efficiency and productivity when using both together.

Cloud-based phone systems and VoIP integrations provide the infrastructure for sales and support teams to perform at their best. A seamless partnership between Aircall and HubSpot benefits your company’s operations, your call center agents’ efficiency, and your customers’ happiness.

Aircall’s enhanced HubSpot integration fine-tunes workflows for sales and customer service teams in a way that makes each a complement to the other.

Why Aircall and HubSpot Created a VoIP Integration

Aircall is a leader in cloud-based phone systems, and HubSpot provides users with a powerful software suite of marketing, sales, and support automation tools. Since Aircall and HubSpot are popular with sales and support teams, it made perfect sense to create a VoIP integration that maximizes the impact for both functions.

As you consider the needs of your sales or support teams, what do you expect from your phone system? You want a phone system with reliable call quality that also offers a robust set of industry-leading features. Aircall is a popular cloud-based business phone solution for its versatility, flexibility, and comprehensive features.

Like Aircall, HubSpot has a respected reputation with small and mid-sized businesses as a data-driven customer relationship management platform. HubSpot developed quality software for lead tracking and conversions. The software suite has developed beyond its core purpose of an integrated CRM. HubSpot has broadened its positioning to better assist multiple business functions: sales, support, and their Service Hub functions.

HubSpot users have adopted Aircall for their sales operations because of the many time-saving advantages it offers. More importantly, the two programs allow for a seamless work experience. HubSpot users know that they need an integrated phone solution to deliver the best possible customer experience.

Aircall has updated the HubSpot integration to be even more functional for the HubSpot Sales Hub and HubSpot Service Hub.

What Is the HubSpot Sales Hub?

Picture a bicycle wheel with its many spokes. The hub is the center focal point that connects them to a singular spot. In your daily activities, you address numerous tasks and you need the right tools to complete each one of them. HubSpot designed a set of features that are valuable for sales teams and connected all of them so they are accessible to sales teams. This eliminates the need for team members to log in and out of programs individually.

One of the valuable features of the HubSpot Sales Hub is custom objects. This feature works much like the contacts or companies objects. The difference is that you can use it for other types of data so you can set up workflows and run reports on custom object data. For example, if you wanted to be able to access data about your shipments inside the hub, you could set up a custom object for shipments and load in the data. When you want to check on the status of a delivery, all you have to do is click on the shipment object.

Making Sales More Effective

Data integrity is a prime concern for businesses. The HubSpot Sales Hub allows you to create granular permissions on all your CRM data, including permissions at the field level. Granular permissions give field managers and admins control over who can edit CRM data. Your salespeople don’t necessarily need to have contact data that’s personal or confidential, but other people in your company do. With granular permissions, admins can grant access to data that certain employees need (like credit card information, addresses, email addresses, etc.) and limit access to certain types of data for those who don’t need it.

With account-based marketing (ABM), you can more easily target the right people or the right companies to make a sale. Assign roles according to Decision Maker, Budget Holder, or Blocker or add a new buying role of your own. To target the best accounts for pursuing a sale, use ABM tools to set up profiles according to tiers so you can identify how close a company ranks to your ideal customer profile and utilize that data to match your business strategy. This is just a sampling of the many new things you can do to improve your sales conversion rate.

HubSpot was designed to work in tandem with Aircall so sales teams can simultaneously use their phone system features and their sales software features. This partnership greatly assists your sales teams by increasing their productivity. This ultimately leads to selling more efficiently and converting more sales.

What Is the HubSpot Service Hub?

Every sales team needs the assistance of customer support teams on the back end. With this in mind, HubSpot recently added to its offerings with the launch of the HubSpot Service Hub. It was developed in a similar fashion to the Sales Hub design with service tools extending out from the center hub. The goal of the HubSpot Service Hub is to provide customer support with the necessary functions to set up efficient workflows that will ensure a good customer experience.

To be effective, customer support workflows need to be personalized and have an aim toward building relationships. HubSpot understands the value of conversations and an omnichannel customer experience, so it built a tool called conversations into the service hub. Today’s customers are just as likely to use social, chat, or email to contact you. So why not make it convenient for them and contact them back on the same channel the request came in on? The HubSpot Service Hub gives you a universal inbox where customer support agents can access all your messages in one location and get back to customers quickly on their preferred channel.

As much as you’d like to remember every customer personally, it’s impossible to do as your business grows. Tickets is a new CRM object in the service hub. It provides the means to organize and track comments and issues to continue delivering a personal touch. You can associate a ticket object with a particular customer so that all teams can see if there’s an open issue with a customer before they call. For example, there’s no point in asking for a referral or testimonial from a customer who’s frustrated over broken or defective merchandise.

Improving the Customer Experience

Customer support agents quickly become skilled at answering common questions. While customers appreciate the experience of speaking with someone who is knowledgeable and polite, sometimes they just want a correct answer to a simple question. HubSpot’s Service Hub allows you to create a knowledge base where you can create articles, optimize them on Google, and direct customer questions to an online statement or article that places answers at their fingertips—all without having to wait to dial a call and wait for it to be answered. What’s more is that you can get data that tells you whether the customer’s needs were met.

With HubSpot Service Hub, you’ll also get better feedback when you use the tool to trigger surveys to gauge customer satisfaction. Surveys don’t need to be lengthy or take up too much of your customers’ time. You can easily set up a 20-question Net Promoter Score® (NPS) survey or even use a simple question about their customer experience that requires a yes or no answer. Genuine feedback will tell you what percentage of your customers are happy and it could also tell you if there are rampant problems with fulfillment or deliveries.

Much like the HubSpot Sales Hub, the software works in connection with Aircall’s phone system so customer support teams can leverage the phone system’s voice calling features and readily access HubSpot’s features at the same time. These tools work together to help team members pull up various sets of phone call data using one click and display information at a glance as they’re assisting customers.

Why Aircall Is a Good Fit for HubSpot Customers

You might be wondering what makes Aircall such a good fit for HubSpot customers. Actually, both of us share a similar approach to the B2B market.

For one thing, we both serve the same types of customers. Aircall’s software and HubSpot’s software are perfect for small and mid-sized companies. At the same time, larger companies are beginning to tap into the advantages that the partnership between Aircall and HubSpot creates.

Beyond that, Aircall and HubSpot share these other commonalities as well:

  • Softwares are integration focused, which offers greater value for capability and functionality

  • Phone systems play an important role in our businesses

  • HubSpot serves the sales and support cases that are also Aircall’s core use cases

  • Our softwares are used by customers in similar industries including eCommerce, travel, financial services, and subscription services, just to name a few.

  • We both emphasize the importance of intuitiveness, simple and fast installation, clean interfaces, and ease of use.

As an added benefit for HubSpot integration users, Aircall offers internal onboarding. Support teams are available to help users get the most from their phone system.

How Aircall’s HubSpot Integration Helps Customers Improve Phone Workflows

Without question, Aircall and HubSpot each have a generous offering of valuable features on their own accord. What really makes the features shine is how businesses can use the features collectively to improve phone workflows.

After a call is connected, it automatically syncs the contact from HubSpot into the Aircall phone contacts whether it’s an inbound call, outbound call, missed call, or voicemail. Support agents eliminate the step of having to manually enter phone numbers, creating greater efficiency. With HubSpot and Aircall, support agents won’t have to manually enter customer data either after they end a call. Calls will automatically be logged onto the HubSpot contact or company records, making it a snap to reference call details when needed. Calls also get automatically logged into deals or tickets that are associated with the contact or company.

Admins have the ability to customize the way your company logs call activity in the HubSpot integration. For example, they can define workflows by categorizing calls as connected, not answered, busy, wrong number, or not interested.

There’s no need for support agents to log out of HubSpot and into Aircall. Outbound sales reps can upload a list of phone numbers and use Aircall’s power dialer to call them automatically, one at a time.

Personalizing the Customer Experience

Personalization goes a long way toward improving the customer experience. Support teams can pull key information about callers from HubSpot into Aircall’s system using insight cards. With a quick click on the direct links to their contact, deal, or ticket records, support team members can get even more details to help them present a personalized experience. If they feel they need to, they can listen to call recordings to gain clarity on the issues.

Together, these tools help customer-facing teams keep the conversation going by triggering automated workflows using custom contact properties created by Aircall. Teams can set up a follow-up workflow to send more information after a call. If they choose, they can trigger a survey or other actions through other connected tools like SMS.

To gauge your team’s KPIs, all you need to do is access call reports to track metrics in HubSpot.

How Aircall & HubSpot Improve Support Team Performance

Aircall and HubSpot unite in strategic ways to improve support team performance. Here’s a look at the advantages you can expect:

  • Call processes are more automated and streamlined

  • Automated ticket creation saves time by eliminating the need to manually create tickets in HubSpot

  • Tickets give support agents instant access to customer data

  • Records the team member who handled the call

  • Records the call type and outcome

  • Makes it easy to search for logged calls

  • Matches missed calls to the correct agent more accurately

  • Customize workflows:

    • Choose which types of calls to automatically create tickets for

    • Assign a status and workflow for each type of call

How Aircall & HubSpot Improve Sales Team Performance

Sales calls are necessary to grow your business. Advancements in technology have evolved drastically and that’s had a major effect on the sales process. In response, salespeople have redefined their view of what it means to be customer-centric.

There’s always room to help your sales team improve their performance. Here’s a snapshot of how Aircall and HubSpot can boost your efforts:

  • Upload a list of phone numbers to Aircall’s PowerDialer and automatically call through them

  • Automatically log calls and recordings into HubSpot contact or company records for future records

  • Access direct links to contact or deals records

  • Aircall creates new contact records from missed calls and voicemails in HubSpot

  • Aircall analytics produce data that shows the number of calls generated in comparison with the number of emails sent

  • Get data on call volume on a daily, monthly, or quarterly basis

  • Learn the total number of contacts and which of them have been called

Along with Aircall, the HubSpot integration helps you make data-driven decisions by giving you access to key call metrics through native reports that you can create and get automatically.

Ready to see how Aircall and HubSpot work better together? Install the HubSpot integration today!

Published on December 14, 2020.

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