How Aircall’s Salesforce Integration Helps Sales Teams Power Through 100s of Calls Daily

Emily GregorLast updated on January 2, 2024
4 min

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Salesforce is a key tool for over 150,000 businesses, helping sales teams around the world to drive results. By integrating Aircall into Salesforce, salespeople can make, receive, and log calls all from within the Salesforce app—helping them to power through hundreds of calls every single day, while also keeping all the information they need in one place. 

With Salesforce playing a pivotal role in so many businesses, we’ve recently refreshed the integration to add even more value with the inclusion of two new high-demand features: Sales Engagement and Quick Actions. Armed with the latest integration, teams will be able to centralize and accelerate workflows, improve customer experiences, enjoy more flexible and automated reporting, lose less time to manual data entry, and ultimately increase sales productivity

So, let’s take a closer look at these latest features and what they can do for your sales team. 

What is Aircall for Sales Engagement? 

Sales Engagement (formally known as HVS) is Salesforce’s cadence-building tool that helps teams to develop more efficient sales workflows. It enables sales agents to automatically select the outcome of every call, such as sending out follow-up emails, without switching to alternative platforms. And with Aircall’s integration for Sales Engagement, you can take these productivity benefits even further. 

Aircall for Sales Engagement brings everything your sales team requires together in one place and can make a huge difference to your business by providing an intuitive interface that makes it possible to centralize your call workflows within Salesforce. This means teams can handle all calls without jumping back and forth from phone to CRM. With all your customers’ data available at the touch of a button, it also means your agents can remain focused on their conversations—and closing deals.

Key Sales Engagement Features 

Aircall for Sales Engagement introduces a host of comprehensive features, including automatic call logging, fast-loading CTI, Quick Actions, and Aircall Voice Object. Let’s break down how these features can benefit your business: 

Automatic call logging

With Aircall for Sales Engagement, your calls are logged in real-time to the Aircall Voice Object (check out Aircall Voice Object below to find out more), ensuring information from calls is automatically kept up-to-date. You can even use this call data to create custom reports and dashboards or to trigger real-time notifications, and other essential workflows. With the ability to centralize all phone outreach and analytics in Salesforce, you can easily track crucial KPIs while empowering your teams to spend more time focusing on building relationships with customers. 

Fast-loading CTI

The latest Aircall Integration delivers rapid setup for Salesforce customers, making it easy to meet go-live dates with zero implementation fees, and an intuitive onboarding flow. This makes a huge difference for your business, enabling you to spend less time on configuration and more time driving results—after all, you bought Salesforce to increase your team’s productivity, not to increase admin. 

Quick Actions

Quick Actions enable sales agents to manually associate a call with any Lead, Contact, Case, Opportunity, or Account record in Salesforce. This ensures accurate data even when another team member picks up the phone, helping your sales teams to avoid errors and create a seamless experience for your customers. And it goes without saying, a happy customer is a returning customer. 

Aircall Voice Object

The Aircall Voice Object (AVO) is a dedicated custom object that stores your company’s call data. This object can be related to any Contact, Lead, or Account record on Salesforce and is capable of recording 40+ data points. This enables deep custom reporting and dashboarding on all things voice, with calls also logged to Tasks. As a result, sales agents can remain logged into Salesforce while still gathering accurate insights automatically, rather than spending time switching between multiple tools and manually adding info to spreadsheets or reports.

How to Install Aircall for Sales Engagement 

Interested in trying out Aircall for Sales Engagement? Installing it is easy, thanks to our comprehensive Aircall for Sales Engagement Installation Guide

The process starts by ensuring you’re either a Salesforce Admin or have the “Download AppExchange” permission.

The installation then includes seven key steps: 

  1. Locate Aircall for Salesforce Sales Engagement on your Aircall Dashboard

  2. Import the Aircall CTI to your Salesforce account

  3. Add users to your Call Center

  4. Configure standard object permissions

  5. Add permission sets for your users

  6. Enable your Aircall CTI via the Softphone Layout

  7. Enable the CTI on your Salesforce environment

There’s also the option to map call results to Sales Engagement (HVS) as part of the installation. 

The Aircall for Sales Engagement Installation Guide covers everything you need to know about installing Aircall for Sales Engagement in more detail—check it out to get started. 

Integrate Salesforce with Aircall today

When sales tools are integrated the value they add to your business grows exponentially. You gain new features, a better customer and employee experience, and—perhaps most importantly—greater efficiency. 

With Aircall’s updated Salesforce Integration you can take your sales processes to the next level. The latest release is not just built into your Sales Engagement—it’s built into your team’s daily workflow itself, empowering your sales team to maximize its potential.
​​Install the Salesforce integration for Aircall today, and help your customer-facing teams to power through hundreds of calls more efficiently.

Published on June 8, 2023.

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