
Warm Transfer Is Now Available to All Aircall Users!

Camelia VialletLast updated on January 2, 2024
2 min

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We all face increasingly exacting demands in terms of customer support experience. So we think it’s important that every conversation your agents is smooth and seamless. Part of attaining that goal is making sure that your calls can reach the right person, at the right time. This is when our Warm Transfer feature comes in handy.

The warm transfer feature eliminates agent pain points

When they pick up the phone, support agents are often faced with tricky issues and unexpected callers. Perhaps the caller made a mistake when going through the IVR (Interactive Voice Response), perhaps they’re simply asking the wrong person for help.

When such a case arises, agents need an easy way to take down the caller’s information and pass it on, along with the caller themselves, to someone who can help.

One way to go is to do a cold transfer; meaning transferring the caller to the appropriate support agent in a single click. However, this method doesn’t give that second support agent time to prepare for the call!

The best way to proceed is to perform a warm transfer. This time, the first agent will have time to chat to their teammate before patching the caller through to them. The two agents will then have time to get each other up to speed. This means that when the customer is transferred, their new interlocutor will have all the context and information necessary to treat their call to the best of their ability.

On top of this, the customer won’t have to repeat themselves, which 55% of customers consider to be the most frustrating aspect of calling customer service. Being able to perform a warm transfer improves productivity, collaboration, and customer happiness!

How does the warm transfer feature work?

Performing a warm transfer with Aircall is an easy, two-click operation:

How to start a Warm Transfer in Aircall
The agent performing a warm transfer is able to go back and forth between the customer and their teammate as many times as they like before transferring the call for good.

Alternate conversation flow via Warm Transfer

Your agents are able to better collaborate and better service your customers, so everyone wins! Your support team becomes more efficient, and can provide an improved customer service experience for your clients.

If you have any questions, or face any issues while using this feature, feel free to read this Warm Transfer article on our Help Center.

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Published on March 29, 2017.

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