Salesforce World Tour: What took centre stage?

Sophie GaneLast updated on June 17, 2024
4 min

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June 2024. The sun finally made its once-annual appearance across Britain, and it brought with it a wave of optimism and enthusiasm. So, it was with this fresh zest that the Aircall team descended upon the famous ExCeL in London for the awe-inspiring Salesforce World Tour. As fellow trailblazers in technology, we were excited about the prospect of showing this huge audience how our advanced communications platform - and, in particular, our AI features - works seamlessly alongside Salesforce’s wide-reaching tech.

What is Salesforce World Tour?

As (arguably) the world’s largest all-in-one CRM, Salesforce takes their new products and insights on tour to exhibit to their customers, partners, and anyone who uses their platforms at one time or another. Salesforce World Tour offers attendees the chance to learn, network, sell, buy, eat, drink, and get a photo with the actual Einstein. It takes place in multiple large cities across the world, offering tech partners like Aircall the opportunity to showcase their products, chat to potential buyers, and expand their customer and partner networks. And for attendees, it’s a chance to explore new developments in workplace tech, speak to experts about solutions to their frustrations, learn more about a multitude of different topics, and get hands-on with new advancements on the Salesforce platform.

The Aircall team took the opportunity to demonstrate how smoothly Aircall integrates with Salesforce across Sales, Support and IT, including its ability to combine all business communications into a single source of truth.

A day at ExCeL London

If you’ve never been before, then to give you an idea of the size of this venue: it has three of its own train/tube stations (2 x DLR and 1 x Elizabeth line). That’s only two fewer than Heathrow Airport, and much better-signposted. The massive expanse of space is then filled with (literally) hundreds of booths of various sizes, operated by tech partners all demonstrating their products.

“It’s my first time at an event as big as this, so it’s been interesting to see the different types of businesses here, and also interesting to see how we can service those different businesses as well.”

Jonny, Aircallee

Scattered across the venue is a range of auditoriums, designed to accommodate roundtables, keynotes, panel sessions and larger-scale product demonstrations. It’s also a fair assumption that, on any given day, the ExCeL hosts the UK’s highest concentration of QR codes.

Aircall AI 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾 Salesforce World tour

As a long-term partner of Salesforce, the Aircall booth was naturally teeming with interested partners and prospects, all keen to see the latest developments in our tech. It was a vibrant, buzzing atmosphere, and our reps were bouncing from one fascinating conversation to the next, with AI as a key focus for many people:

“The most interesting thing for me has been seeing how AI can build for the next generation, and how it can get that customer satisfaction up there. It’s crazy what AI can do!”

A visitor to the Aircall booth

“Every other stall has its own version of AI. The million ways that each of them is using AI is the most interesting thing for me.”

A visitor to the Aircall booth

This theme was been seconded by our own team as well, following their conversations with potential customers:

“A lot of people are very interested in our AI feature. They’re looking to try and coach their sales teams better, so being able to offer transcriptions and call recordings is giving them a bit of clarity to show their reps.”

Jonny, Aircallee

Our team was thrilled with their day; having had hundreds of engaging conversations with business leaders, it was clear that seamless, high-quality communications remain a top priority across all industries. Plus, it was great to see how keen our visitors were to improve agent productivity and call reporting alongside their Salesforce platform. Our team was often found to be demonstrating how Aircall gathers call data - like recordings, transcriptions, and call tags - that automatically populates to Salesforce.

“People were interested in how to build reports from call tags and transcriptions to quickly get an idea of what topics are being discussed with which outcomes.”

Josh, Aircallee

The need for constant innovation in communications platforms was evident by the in-depth questions that we were being asked, and the granular detail that our reps were diving into in their demonstrations. It’s exciting to see the appetite for quality communications from business leaders, and even more exciting to see how Aircall can enable that and take these leaders’ ambitions even further. And, as an added bonus, a lot of visitors to the booth thought that our platform was great value, too!

A chance to learn with Salesforce

Another huge draw for attendees were the sessions taking place throughout the day. Ranging from the keynote address (featuring AI development in an Aston Martin), to demonstrations of the latest Salesforce releases, to conversations about AI, to workshops and “how-to”s, there was plenty on offer for anyone wanting to learn more about the platform, improve their skills, and brush up on developments in technology in general. Our team had the chance to attend several of the sessions, including a great demonstration of omnichannel customer service, aided by AI. One very well-attended talk was a deep dive case study of how Revolut utilises technology to scale at pace, build a seller experience, improve cross-sell efforts and more. And there was also an interesting session on how SMBs can find, win and keep customers with AI and CRM, with examples of how this technology can help to fight crime, no less!

Salesforce’s charity partner

As well as the tech-focused sessions, product demos, and business growth talks, Salesforce also hosts a different kind of lecture: nonprofit. We heard from Cure Leukaemia on how they’re making strides to end blood cancer through improved clinical advancement, treatment and trials. James McLaughlin, CEO, explained how, in adopting Salesforce, the charity has been able to personalise the experience for its donors and open the door to more clinical trials. The speed and innovation in this type of communication is helping Cure Leukaemia to expand, raise more money, and save more lives. It’s talks like this that really demonstrate the value of technology as a partner to humanity.

A great day to be a Salesforce partner

Overall, Salesforce World Tour London was a huge reminder of the sheer size of Salesforce, and the breadth of its technology and influence. Aircall is proud to be a key technology partner to Salesforce in the realms of telephony, communications intelligence and AI calling, but there’s a lot more to be explored within the Salesforce empire, and that’s exciting for us. We’re continuing to make strides in communications technology, supported by our own partnerships ecosystem, and being a partner to Salesforce is pushing that growth into areas we can’t even imagine yet. The future is bright for Aircall and Salesforce - join us for the ride.

Published on June 17, 2024.

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